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Keto transformaties: voor- en na foto’s van het ketodieet

Het ketodieet is hot; ooit ontwikkeld als interventie tegen epilepsie-aanvallen is het inmiddels uitgegroeid tot het nummer één dieet van Nederland voor mensen die willen afvallen. Weinig koolhydraten, veel vetten en gematigd eiwitten is de succescombinatie die mensen in staat stelt om eindelijk de overtollige kilo’s te verliezen. Dat iedereen daar trots op is blijkt uit de social media posts van de personen die een keto transformatie doorgemaakt hebben.

Er is zelfs een Instagram account met de naam Keto Transformations; uitsluitend voor het publiceren van voor- en na foto’s van mensen die hun gewichtsverlies en lichaamsveranderingen aan de wereld willen tonen. Wie inspiratie nodig heeft om de eerste weken van het ketodieet door te komen kan talloze voorbeelden vinden met hashtag #ketotransformation.

Als je twijfelt of je het ketodieet moet volgen dan kunnen deze voor- en na foto’s je over de streep trekken. Dit zijn een aantal indrukwekkende transformaties van mensen die succes hebben met de ketogene leefstijl:

Introducing @byefatlocharb: After my wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor and recovered from surgery with so much grace and grit, I realized it was my turn to step up. I lost 80 pounds with the age old calories in calories out method while depriving myself and craving terrible foods. I put 30 pounds back on over the course of 6-8 months. I found keto shortly after. It’s been 2.5 months of keto, I’m down 40 pounds (90 overall) and I feel amazing. I have incorporated intermittent fasting and have completely changed my life. Keto is the real deal and I’m never going back. . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Welcome back @keto_carsen for a #featurefollowup! I’m only a few pounds down from when I first posted on this page, but pictures show me otherwise. I feel amazing and I am excited to see where I’ll be 6 months from now. I’m currently down 116 lbs and my 1 year keto anniversary is on June 19th! I’m hoping to be down to 250 by then! . . My Top 5 Keto Tips: . 1. Don’t obsess over the scale too much, just because the scale isn’t moving doesn’t mean your body isn’t changing. . 2. Make sure you’re drinking enough water and getting in your electrolytes. . 3. Try new recipes so you don’t get bored. . 4. Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s journey, you’re doing great no matter what. . 5. If you fall off the wagon, it’s okay. Get back on the good foot the next day! 👌🏼 . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Introducing @passionprojectgifts: Started keto February 2018 after two back to back pregnancies gaining over 50 pounds. With Irish twins, my time to work out is limited so I knew I needed to change my way or eating. I’m 22 pounds down! I have been the same weight for a little while now but continually losing inches. Hoping to lose 25 more to get to my goal weight! I feel better than ever. . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Introducing I started my weightloss journey 2.5 years ago after having to do blood glucose tests for diabetes, which runs in my family. I didn’t want to go down that track as I have a young daughter so I completely changed my philosophy about food and exercise – I drastically reduced my carbs and slowly introduced more fat – I felt healthier and had so much more energy. I started this journey at 274lbs and have lost 135lb. I focused on what I had to gain out of life, not what I had to give up. . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Introducing @nrafanan: These pictures are from Dec 2017 to April 2018. I wish I would have stumbled upon this way of living sooner. I knew I was letting my weight get out of control but was in denial. My fiance proposed in Feb 2017 and I didn’t fully put the effort in to lose weight until Jan 2018. Here I am 40 pounds down and have another 40 to go. Keto is helping me become the confident person I once was instead of the person hiding under baggy clothes. . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Introducing @she.tries.keto: Get serious about a “thing” and that same “thing will get serious about you! I’ve only been keto since 2/1/18 and my starting weight was 230 ant my last weigh in 4/1/18 I was down 32lbs and I told myself to “Stay off the scale” I have goals and have a ways to go! But just knowing that I have NO inflammation, no aches & pains, no headaches from all the carbs and no water retention…I think I’m doing an ok job. I promised myself that 40 would be great for me and I’m happier & healthier. . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Introducing @ashleymcfitterson: My highest weigh in was 308lbs. It took me months and months of traditional dieting to get down to to 280lbs, that was my weight on 1/1/2018, the day I made a resolution to give it my all & finally committed to eating a ketogenic diet. In just 5 short months I’ve lost over 70 pounds, I’m now down over 100 from my highest weight. More importantly, I’m no longer insulin resistant, I have so much more energy, and my arthritis seems to have disappeared! Keto has truly transformed my life. . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Introducing @shelbymccann: 25 pounds down in 4 months. I started keto in January 2018 and haven’t looked back! I lost my mother to cancer in December, and realized I needed to get my butt in gear and improve my health. I upped my workouts from twice a week to four times, and began eating ketogenic recipes. I love eating this way, and although I have a carb-ridden treat every now and then, I can see this as being a permanent aspect of my life! . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Welcome back for a #featurefollowup! Hi, I’m Kinshuk and this is my transformation! I am glad to be back here again in this loving community ❤️ I am getting summer ready thanks to my coach and I am loving everything about staying Keto! Hope you guys are killing it at the Keto game and these tips help you! . . My Top 5 Keto Tips: (5 mistakes I made when I started keto) . 1. Eating too little protein: I was always so afraid of exceeding it and getting kicked out of ketosis that I cut down on a lot of protein and in a few months I could see the effects in my hair and skin! I knew it was time to correct that! . 2. Being afraid of eating fat: No matter how hard I tried, the shock of moving from one way of eating to other happened just naturally. Loading your food with fat as something I had trained myself NOT to do! It took some getting used to! . 3. Not taking my electrolytes: Muscle cramps, fatigue, crankiness, headache. If you have any of this on keto, chances are a little electrolytes will do the trick in making you feel better! . 4. Not drinking enough water: You body loses more water on keto as there are no carbs in your body to hold the water, so replenishing water in your body is vital! . 5. Stressing about the scale: We often are so obsessed with a goal, we forget why we start it in the first place. Having a weightloss goal is great, but stressing about it and weighing myself every single day? Not cool. I broke up with the scale and took PLENTY progress pics and you should too. That’s the ONLY way to track real progress! . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Introducing @alliwiss: Hi! My name is Allison. My brother, @keeprockinpetebotkin has been featured here before. Pete got me to FINALLY change my lifestyle and start living keto on June 10, 2017. These photos are from April 2, 2017 (262 lbs) on the left, and April 1, 2018 (175 lbs) on the right. I had trouble finding a “before” photo, because I made a habit of either not being in pictures or hiding behind my kids. Lots of printed maxi dresses to try and camouflage my size. I am down 85 pounds, and not done yet! . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Introducing @jenna_lastrange: I started keto july 2017 and have lost 65 pounds since. I’ve always struggled with weight and pcos made it worse but keto saved me! I was able to get off of birth control hormones and regulate my cycle naturally, I am happier and healthier version of myself! Starting weight 279 Current weight 211 goal weight 175 . . . #myketotransformation #fitspiration #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketofam #weightlossmotivation #transformation #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #extremeweightloss #fitness #instafit #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #diet #exercise #trainandtransform #beforeandafterweightloss #biggestloser #keto #lowcarb #lchf #ketotransformations

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Let op, het ketogeen dieet biedt geen garantie dat je dezelfde resultaten behaald. Of en hoe succesvol je bent met het ketodieet hangt af van verschillende factoren. Niemand is hetzelfde en dat leidt ertoe dat iedereen een ander pad bewandelt als het gaat om het verliezen van gewicht. Als je nog niet bekend bent met het ketogeen dieet dan lees je hier hoeveel je mag eten en wat je mag eten.

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GRATIS Keto Weekmenu.

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